Transport of E.coli of reclaimed water in flotation system
Graphical Abstract
The transport of E.coli in reclaimed water in floatation system was investigated through simulate flotation, adsorption experiment and desorption experiments. The results show that E.coli in reclaimed water is rapidly adsorbed by ore particles, while tailing waste water can be reused to floatation safely. However, concentrates, middlings and tailings can pose health risks under certain exposure conditions. The transport of E.coli in flotation processes is dominated by the attachment of E.coli onto ore particles. Removal and adsorption rates decrease as the concentrations of E.coli increase. Meanwhile, E.coli adsorption on ore particles is sensitive to the changes of solution pH, and decreases as the solution pH increases. The attachment of E.coli onto mineral particles increases significantly at the presence of collector kerosene, PJ053, and the pH-adjusting agents CaO.