Hot ductility and fracture mechanism of a Ti-bearing microalloyed steel
Graphical Abstract
The hot ductility of a Ti-bearing microalloyed steel was studied at temperatures of 600 to 1350 ℃ by a thermal simulator Gleeble 1500.The fracture morphology and microstructure were observed by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy.The precipitate behavior of second phase particles was calculated by the thermodynamic software Factsage.The hot ductility curve shows that SS400 B steel with additional titanium has very good hot ductility during all the tested temperature range,and all the values of reduction in area are larger than 45%.AlxTiyOz generation at high temperature can act as nucleation sites for dimples to promote the ductile fracture.The amount of detrimental Al N can be reduced due to the formation of AlxTiyOz and Ti N.Intergranular ferrite and cementite promote the intergranular brittle fracture.