Effects of dissolved oxygen and temperature on the stress corrosion of 06Cr17Ni12Mo2Ti stainless steel in supercritical water
Graphical Abstract
The effects of dissolved oxygen(DO) and temperature on the stress corrosion cracking(SCC) of 06Cr17Ni12Mo2 Ti stainless steel(SS) in supercritical water environments were investigated by slow strain rate tensile tests(SSRT). It is found that the SCC susceptibility of the stainless steel is observed in 450℃ and 550℃ supercritical water environments containing different amounts of dissolved oxygen(0/200/2000 μg·kg-1). The effect of dissolved oxygen on the SCC susceptibility is more remarkable with increasing amount of dissolved oxygen. However,the SCC susceptibility decreases with the increase of temperature. In 650℃ supercritical water environments containing different amounts of dissolved oxygen(0/200/2000 μg·kg-1),ductile fracture can be found,but the SCC susceptibility is not observed. In these environments,the effect of DO is negligible.