Kinetic modeling of alumina inclusion modification in Al-killed steel after Ca treatment
Graphical Abstract
Al2O3 and solid calcium aluminate were considered as un-reacted cores, the diffusion of aluminum cations in the liquid calcium aluminate layer was confirmed as the rate determining step of Al2O3 inclusion modification, and further a kinetic model of Al2O3 inclusion modification was established on the basis of the un-reacted core model. The model parameters were calculated by thermodynamic analysis. Modelling results show that the time of Al2O3 inclusion modification to completely liquid calcium aluminate will be much longer when the size of Al2O3 inclusions increases. Moreover, increasing the Ca content in a reasonable range is beneficial not only to modify Al2O3 inclusions to liquid calcium aluminate from thermodynamics but also to speed the modification process whereas the enhancement weakens when the Ca content exceeds a critical level. Temperature rise is disadvantageous to Al2O3 modification chemical reaction so the driving force of Al2O3 inclusion modification decreases correspondingly, namely temperature rise is not so obvious to speed Al2O3 inclusion modification. Finally, the kinetic model results were verified by industrial trials and they accord with each other very well.