Effect of ferro-titanium alloying process on steel cleanness
Graphical Abstract
The main factors were studied which influence the titanium yield during a ferro-titanium alloying process. The inclusion phases and removal effect were comparatively analyzed before and after ferro-titanium alloying. When controlling the activity of oxygen (ao) before deoxidation below 350×10-6, the interval time between Al and Ti addition above 3 min can guarantee the titanium yield above 85%. With ao above 350×10-6, the interval time between Al and Ti addition should be extended more than 5 min. Extending the interval time between Al and Ti addition can improve the titanium yield at the same ao and Als. During RH refining, Al2O3 inclusions with the equivalent diameter above 200 μm can float and be removed within 5 min, but the removal time of AI-Ti-O inclusions with the same size is 1 to 2 min more than pure Al2O3. Al-Ti-O complex inclusions form around Al2O3 after the titanium alloy being added into the melt, and the titanium yield decreases due to the formation of these inclusions.