Calculation method for the seismic wave energy of microseismic hypocenters
Graphical Abstract
An empirical formula to describe the relation of particle vibration velocity to explosive's quantity and distance from the explosion center is used in the blasting engineering field. Based on this formula, a new empirical equation to characterize the relation of particle vibration velocity to hypocenter energy and distance to the hypocenter is presented in this article, which is considered as the attenuation formula of seismic wave energy. In the new equation, the coefficient of seismic wave energy, K1, is introduced to describe the relationship between hypocenter energy and particle vibration velocity. It is thought that K1 has strong relationship with the locale medium characteristic of the hypocenter, nothing to do with the blasting parameters. According to the energy data of check points, K1 is calculated by regression analysis. By using the energy attenuation model, taking particle vibration velocity, distance to the hypocenter and K1 of each mieroseismic incident as the known parameters, hypocenter energy and attenuation coefficient as the regression parameters, the hypocenter energy can be obtained by inverse calculation. This method provides a new idea to calculate the hypocenter energy.