TMCP of E/F grade high-strength ship plates in Shougang Co.
Graphical Abstract
In order to achieve the higher low-temperature impact toughness,good weldability,and other special requirements of the classification society,Shougang rolling mill line uses the low carbon,Nb/V/Ti,Ni micro-alloying composition design for strict controlling the chemical composition and the steel purity,especially TMCP control system. The E36/40,F36/40 grade ship plate was developed,which has the low alloying element contents,less process,the good low-temperature toughness and welding properties. E36/E40 grade high-strength ship plate made by this technics in Shougang reaches the stable quality for the industrial production. Also the plates have the higher pass rate of performance and yield of product. The production process is reasonable,the quality is stable,and the synthesis performance is excellent.