Numerical simulations of dust distribution in a fully mechanized excavation face with far-pressing-near-absorption ventilation
Graphical Abstract
Based on experience and actual situation, a far-pressing-near-absorption (FPNA) ventilation system which matches with heading machines was determined with a fully mechanized excavation face in Mine 11 of Pingmei Group as the research back-ground. Dust distributions in a fully mechanized excavation face were studied by numerical simulations and in situ measurements. A geometric model of the face was built with GAMBIT technology, and dust distributions before and after applying the ventilation system were respectively simulated using computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT. The simulation results of dust mass concentration are in agreement with the in situ measurement data. It is shown that the dust collection efficiency is more than 95% with the use of the ventilation system and the dust mass concentrations in the excavation face meet with or come close to 1.0×10-5 kg·m-3.