Influence of slab reheating temperature grain-oriented electrical steel produced niques on inhibitors and magnetic properties of by low slab reheating temperature techniques
Graphical Abstract
The behavior of precipitation in hot bands of grain-oriented electrical steel produced by the inherent inhibitor method was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effects of slab reheating temperature on secondary recrystallization and magnetic properties after secondary recrystallization annealing were discussed. Experimental results show that most of the particles in hot bands are complex copper-manganese sulphides. As the slab reheating temperature increases, an increase of Cu/Mn ratio in the sulphide particles is associated with a simultaneous decrease in size, the dispersive particles become more homogeneous and more/kiN precipitates. Consequently, the inhibiting effect on primary grain growth is enhanced, the secondary recrystallization is more complete and the magnetic properties are improved.