Static recrystailization in low-carbon niobium-microalloyed steels with coarse austenite
Graphical Abstract
The static recrystallization behavior of a high temperature processing (HTP) steel containing 0.08% Nb (4#Nb steel) with coarse austenite was investigated by using a thermo-mechanical simulator Gleeble 1500. A low carbon steel containing 0. 049% Nb (2# Nb steel) was also studied as a comparison. The results indicate that the static recrystallization kinetics process of 4# Nb steel is slightly slower than that of 2# Nb steel at high deformation temperature. The recrystallization of 4# Nb steel is greatly retarded with decreasing deformation temperature. According to experimental data, a mathematical model of static recrystaUization was developed, which can provide theoretical guidance for designing the industrial rolling procedure.