An Investigation on Exothermic Riser for Pressure-Resisting Casting of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
Graphical Abstract
Using spheroidal graphite cast iron to produce the. casting which resistance to high-presure is an advanced technique. It is a key Problem of producing spheroidal graphite that feeding is difficult, especially Producing thin and complicated presufe-resisting casting causing sisPer-sed shrinkage at hot sPot,which result in the leakage of fluid infiltrates. To solve the problem, the exothermic riser for compensating volume contraction of spheroidal graphite cast iron can be used.The results show that the rate of heat dissipation through the exothermic riser decreases by about 53% as compared with sand head, the modulus of exthermic riser is twice as much as the geometric modulus, 50-80% of riser metal can be saved. The exthermic riser can solve the feeding problem above mentioned but the sand riser can't do so.