The Measurement of the Phase Diagram of the LiCl-BaCl2-SrCl2
Graphical Abstract
The LiCl-KCl-BaCl2-SrCl2quaternary system is of interest as a possible lectrolyte in the electroplating and electrochemical alloying of molten salt Up to now the phase diagram of the quaternary system and one of its subsystems LiCl-BaCl2-SrCl2 have not been measured,To obtain a better basis or understanding the LiCl-BaCl2-SrCl2-KCl system it is necessary to learn about the unknown ternary LiCl-BaCl2-BrCl2 system.
In this paper the phase diagram of the LiCl-BaCl2-SrCl2 system has been measured and the liquidus curves of its three subsystems have been checked by the DTA method.The binary systems LiCl-BaCl2 and LiCl-SrCl2 are simple eutectic ones with the eutectic points E1 and E2 in 526℃, 33 mol%Ba-Cl2, 67mol%LiCl and 489℃, 38mol%SrCl2, 62mol%LiCl, respectively. The binary system BaCl2-SrCl2 is a continuous solid solution with a minimum temperature in 852℃, 35mol%BaCl2, 65mol%SrCl2.
According to the present measurements of three subsystems and three ternary polythermal projections the phase diagram of LiCl-BaCl2-SrCl2at 1 atmosphere is drawn in Fig. 8. The uncertainty in the liquidus temperatures is estimated to be±6K.
The ternary system LiCl-BaCl2-SrCl2 has a curve Ei-E-E2 running betweem binary eutectics E1 and E2 with a minimum temperature in E (482℃,58.4 mol%LiCl, 15.8mol%BaCl2 and 25.8mol%SrCl2). The curve E1-E-E2 divided the ternary system into two liquidus surfaces, the LiCl liquidus surface and the BaCl2-SrCl2 solid soluton one. It is noted that the minimum temperature in the LICl-BaCl2-SrCl 2 system is only a little lower than 489℃, the eutectic temperature of the LiCl-SrCl2 system.