Node and Branch Tearing Hybrid Analysis
Graphical Abstract
A new tearing approach for analyzing large-Scale linear networks, called node and branch tearing hybrid analyis(NBT for short), based on genera lized hybrid diakoptics6 and node-tearing nodal analysis is presented in this paper. The new tearing approach takes both generalized hybrid dia-koptics and node-tearing nodal analysis as its special cases in a way analogous to the relations that exist between hybrid analysis and loop analysis and between hybrid analysis and nodal analysis. As a result, it can obtain much better tearing results.The rigorous proof of NBT is also presented. Then,an algorithm based on two level diakoptics and an example are shown in the paper. Another new approach dual to node-tearing nodal analgsis,called Loop Tearing Loop Analysis(LTLA for short),is also mentioned at the end of the paper.