A Survey of Healtk Stalus on 622 Staffs and Workers
Graphical Abstract
Me have investigated of health status on 622 staff and workers with 50 years of age and above of Beijing Unirersity of iron and steel Technology. In this group 87.3% were below 60 years of age.
Major diseases encountered were cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension (30.9%),coronary heart disease (4.5%) and myo-cardial Ischemia (5.1%), borderline hypertension (14.8%),cerebral vascular disease (1.4%),aortic sclerosis (10.3%), hyperch olestero 1emia (27.3), hypo-HDL-cholesterolemia (16.4%),anemia (30.9%), malignancy (0.6%), chronic bronch it is(18%),and chronic m (9.3%) etc.
Among this age group, some diseases were discoverd by us,they had seldom complained of signs of discomfort. This suggested that health care must be paid not only to the elderly,but also to the preaging members.