
Flame temperature and propagation speed characteristics of zirconium dust cloud flame propagation in pipelines

  • 摘要: 粉末状的锆金属不仅燃烧速度快,而且燃烧释放出的热量非常高,作为高能燃料被广泛应用在航天和军工领域.锆金属以粉尘云的形态燃烧时,大量微小悬浮锆颗粒燃烧会形成具有一定面积的火焰,采用实验方法研究锆粉云火焰在竖直管道中的温度和速度特性.研究结果表明,热电偶处的锆粉云最高火焰温度与瞬间火焰传播速度有相同变化趋势,都随锆粉云质量浓度增加先增大后减小.当锆粉云质量浓度为0.625 kg·m-3时,出现最高火焰温度,可达1777.81℃,在此条件下管道中最快火焰传播速度可达39.7 m·s-1.当质量浓度超过0.625 kg·m-3后,热电偶处的锆粉云最高火焰温度与瞬间火焰传播速度都会降低,主要是由于富燃料燃烧、管道中氧气不足而导致颗粒不能完全燃烧.实验得到了不同质量浓度锆粉云的最高火焰温度值与最快火焰传播速度.


    Abstract: Zirconium powder is widely applied as high-energy fuel for it has not only a faster burning speed but also a stronger burning heat. Flame comes into being from the combustion of zirconium dust cloud with a lot of zirconium particles suspending in the air. A transient flame propagation experimental system was established to study the flame temperature and flame propagation speed characteristics of zirconium dust cloud in a vertical pipeline. The results indicate that the maximum flame temperature and the maximum flame propagation speed of zirconium dust cloud have the same changing trend at thermocouple positions, i. e., both their values increase firstly and then decrease with the increasing concentration of zirconium dust cloud. The maximum flame temperature reaches 1777.81℃and the maximum flame propagation speed is up to 39.7 m·s-1 when the concentration of zirconium dust cloud at 0.625 kg·m-3. But when the concentration exceeds 0.625kg·m-3, both the maximum flame temperature and the maximum flame propagation speed decrease. The main reason is that zirconium particles occur incompletely burning owing to rich fuel combustion in the pipeline.


