
Metallization of laterite lean iron ore

  • 摘要: 在还原气氛下进行了红土贫铁矿的还原焙烧实验,采用正交实验设计方法,以C/O、焙烧时间和焙烧温度为因素,在还原气氛下得到了最佳工艺条件为:C/O是0.8,还原焙烧温度1350℃,时间为25min.另外发现,在更长的还原焙烧时间或焙烧温度下,产生珠铁分离现象.为接近实际生产条件,进行了敞开氧化气氛实验,由于表面氧化的原因,金属化率仅为50%左右,通过控制球团表面气体搅动,可减轻表面氧化现象,进而提高金属化率,而通过氧化气氛下的实验结果,也证明了实际生产的可行性.


    Abstract: Roasting reduction of the laterite lean iron ore was tested in reduction atmosphere. The optimal pa-rameters of roasting reduction in reduction atmosphere with a metallization rate up to more than 80% were determined by orthogonal method. The roasting temperature is 1350℃, the roasting time is 25 min and C/O is 0.8. Under the condition of higher temperature or longer roasting time, a separation phenomenon of slag and iron was found. In order to accord with the practical condition, the experiment was carried out in oxidation atmosphere. Because of the oxidation layer in the surface of the pellet, the metallization rate declined to nearly 50%, and it's good for increasing the metalli-zation rate by reducing the oxidation layer. At the same time, the feasibility of roasting reduction in oxidation atmos-phere was approved by the experiment.


