
Mathematic Model of the Rectifying Process of an Air Separation Unit

  • 摘要: 从Harmens物性方程出发,依据O2-Ar-N2三元物系气-液平衡关系,对通用模型塔建立统一的数学模型和求解方法,在此基础上开发了空分单塔及精馏系统的计算模型并对填料塔精馏过程进行了探讨和计算.通过宝钢5#空分精馏系统的模拟计算,说明该模型能够准确地描述精馏过程各参数变化.


    Abstract: A consolidated mathematical model and its computing method for a universal modeling column were proposed with Harmens state equation and the gas-liquid equilibrium theory of O2-Ar-N2 mixture. Based on them, a calculating model of an air separation unit (ASU) system was developed and the rectifying process was analyzed. The result of an application to No.5 ASU in BaoSteel made in APCI shows that the model and the computing method can accurately forecast the variation of operating parameters of ASU in the rectifying process.


