Fracture Characteristics of Floor Strata due to Double Longwall Mining on Confined Aquifer
摘要: 以淮北杨庄矿承压水体上对拉工作面开采为背景,通过现场实测、相似模拟实验和数值分析,揭示了承压水体上对拉工作面开采底板岩层应力分布和底板破坏规律,重新认识了对拉面不同开采参数对底板岩层力学行为的影响.提出了承压水体上对拉面安全开采的合理技术参数和预防底板突水的工程对策.Abstract: Based on double longwall mining on confined aquifer in Yangzhuang colliery, the stress dis-tribution and fracture characteristics in floor strata are investigated by means of in-situ measurement, physical modeling and numerical analysis. The influence of different mining parameters on the mechanical behavior of floor strata is recognized. The rational technical parameters and engineering measures are proposed through the study for safe mining on confined aquifer.