
Pollution Prediction of Poison Blasting Gases

  • 摘要: 在爆破后很短时间内形成的蘑菇云和缓慢从爆堆中散发出的爆堆溢出气体构成了爆破毒气的总量.依据气体的运动特点,分别把它们看成是瞬时体积源和不规则体积源.溢出气体扩散采用积分烟团模式,通过模型简化及扩散系数修正,建立了露天矿空气污染评价模型,并利用它对大冶铁矿的爆破进行了较为准确的污染预报.


    Abstract: The mushroom cloud forming in a very short time after blasting and the overflwing gases from the heap that emited very slowly from the heap made up the amount of the explosive gases. According to their movement characterstics, the mushroom cloud was taken as the souce of instantaneous volume and the overflowing gases from the heap was taken as the irregular volume, their diffusion pattern is selected as the pattern of smoke volume integral. On the basis of consideration, the pollution evaluation pattern of an open-pit was established by simplifing the pattern and amending the diffu-sion coefficient. A reltively accurate pollution prediction on explosive gases in Dayie Iron Mine was carried out.


