
Microstructural Stability after Long Time Aging in GH132(A-286) Superalloy

  • 摘要: 研究了工作4.0×104 h后的GH132合金的组织变化,分析了GH132合金在高于650℃短时过时效条件下的组织稳定性.结果表明:合金组织基本稳定,变化不甚显著;不论是在低温长期时效,还是在短时超温过时效,σ相、Laves等脆性相均不会产生;经过过时效后合金所产生的组织变化仅仅是γ'相的补充析出、聚集长大,以及η相的析出.


    Abstract: The microstructure and the microstructural stability after long time aging(4×104 h) and short aging aging were invetigated on GH132 superalloy. The experimental results show that some brittle phases such as a phase and Laves phase are not observed both in long time aging at low temperature and short time aging at high temperature.However, γ' phase re-precipitation, coarsening and growth and η phase precipitation have been seen after short time aging in GH132 superalloy.


