Relationship between Friction Coefficent and Surface Abrasive Situations of the Anodic Film on Al Alloy
摘要: 测定了7075铝合金的阳极氧化膜与GCr6钢球对磨条件下,膜的摩擦系数随对磨次数的变化曲线。发现前者随着后者的增加而趋于增大,出现摩擦系数阶跃上升和平缓变化交替的周期性变化过程。分析了摩擦系数变化与膜表面磨损过程的关系,认为摩擦系数不仅反映了膜最表层的磨损和磨合,同时还是载荷的冲击作用引起的膜纤维束断裂而使表面状况恶化的宏观表现。Abstract: The friction coefficent(μ)-time(t) transients of anodic film on 7070 Al Alloy were measured in the process of the film being worn by a small steel ball. It was found that the friction coefficent tended to increase during wearing. A phenomenon of periodic change of the friction coefficent, which increased steply and then changed slowly, occured repeatly. The friction coe-ffient were related not only to the abrasion of the sample surface but also to the fibre-boundies cracking in the subsurface layer of the anodic film.