
Preparation of Manganese Carbonate from Manganese Mud

  • 摘要: 本文提出了用轧钢废酸处理高锰酸钾生产过程中产生的废渣—锰泥—制取工业级碳酸锰的方法。其流程可分为三段:(1)还原浸出与沉铁;(2)浸出液的净化;(3)工业级碳酸锰的制备。 在第一段中,只要控制好轧钢废酸中的H+/Fe2+比就可使浸出、沉铁同时进行,使沉铁的碱用量大大减少,加Na2S除去浸出除铁液中其它重金属。用NH4HCO3制取MnCO3避免水中Ca2+带入MnCO3。所得碳酸锰符合工业级碳酸锰部颁标准的要求。


    Abstract: A Process for preparing industrial grade manganese carbonate frommanganese mud-a waste from potassium permanganate factory-ispresented. The process comprises three steps:(1) Reducing and leaching the manganese mud with waste pickle liquor as well as precipitating iron, (2) Purification of Pregnant solution, (3) Precipitating manganese carbonate by adding ammonium bicarbonate.
    In the first step, if the ratioH+/(Fe++ in pickle liquor is welladjusted, the leaching of manganese and precipitation of iron may be proceed simultaneously so that the ammount of alkaline used in precipitating iron can be reduced greatly. Na2S is added to remove other heavy metals.Ammonium bicarbonate is used for producing manganese carbonate in order to avoid the contamination byCa++ ion from the water. The pollution of the waste in this process is rather less than that of the pickle liquor and. manganese mud.


