
The Effect of Particle Size at the Melting Temperature of Material

  • 摘要: 用热力学方法,推导出适用于高分散度球形和非球形物质的熔化温度随粒度变化的关系式,本文所得方程式定量地描述了高分散度物质的熔化温度随粒度减小而降低的关系,所得结果对比于M.Hasegawa等人的理论计算能更好地符合于Coo14be2对铅的实验结果。


    Abstract: The equation between the melting temperature of the material andits high-dispersity are deduced by means of thermodynamic method. The results are suitable for the particles which are circular or non-cir cular.
    These equations describe quantitatively the fact that the melting emperature of material is lowered with the increaes of its dispersity.d The result of calculation for pb is more agreeable to the experimental tata, obtained by Coombes, than the theoretical data obtained by M. Hasegawa et al.


