
Equil ibria of Y-O and Y-S in Molten Iron

  • 摘要: 本工作应用放射性同位素90Y,通过将试样在低温有机电解液中电解的方法分离稀土夹杂物,测定了铁液中溶解态的稀土含量。用ZrO2(MgO)固体电解质组成的定氧测头测定了铁液中氧的活度。用硫化氢气体发生法测定并计算了铁液中溶解态的硫含量。由此得出1560~1660℃范围内Y—O平衡常数与温度的关系式以及1600℃下Y—S平衡常数值,并测定了Y对O,Y对S的活度相互作用系数eOY、eSY及其它有关热力学数据。


    Abstract: The dissolved rare earth content in iron was determined by means of electrolysis of the sample in the organic electrolyte at low temPera-ture and radioassay technique. The oxygen activity in the molten iron was measured by solid electrolyte sensors made of ZrO2 (MgO) tube. The dissolved sulphur content was determined by aid of H2S evolution method. The relationship between the Y-O equilibrium constant in molten iron and temPerature at 1560-1600℃ and the Y-S equilibrium constant in molten iron at 1600℃ were determined. The interaction coefficients of eOY, eSY and other thermodynamic data were also determin-ed.


