A GTO Cascade Equipment of Saving Energy for Variable Speed Control System
摘要: 节能型GTO串级调速装置是一种新型的整流装置。该装置的功率因数得到很大的改善,它的推广应用将对节能有较重要的意义。
论文讨论了改善功率因数的原理和方法,试验测定了绕线型电机。一般串级调速装置和节能型GTO串级调速装置的功率因数特性曲线。曲线对比能够说明节能型GTO串级调速装置高功率因数的优点。Abstract: A GTO cascade equipment of saving energy is a modem tyPe of rec-tifire equipment.The Power factor of this equipment is improved greatly. The application of this system will have more important significance for economy of energy. In this Paper the principles and methods of improv-ing the power factor are discussed. Performance curves of the power fac for of a wound-rotor induction motor, a SCR cascade and a GTO cascade equipment are shown also. These Curves are drown from a experime-ntal equipment developed, by us. The comparison between these curves can be used to explain the advantage of the high power factor of a GTO cascade equipment.