
An Analysis of Repetitive Signals by Cepstrum

  • 摘要: 本文把旋转机械故障产生的周期性激励—周期性特征信号分解成“波形”与“特征脉冲序列”的卷积,提出了有关周期性特征信号幅值调制、相位调制、波形畸变以及背景噪声四种类型噪声的概念。在此基础上,应用解卷积理论,对实倒谱分析识别周期性特征信号问题进行了研究。并在计算机上讨论了各种类型噪声对实倒谱分析的影响。研究表明,周期性特征信号在实倒谱上将形成依次递减的倒谐频结构,其大小仅与特征信号本身的稳定性有关,与信号的大小、形状无关,且最大值不超过1。分析结论较好地解释了文献以及作者的应用实例。


    Abstract: The effects of instability in repetitive signals acquired from rotatingmachines, can be critical in the extraction of Periodic signatures by cepstrum analysis for diagnostic applications. In this Paper, the rePetit-ive signal is decomposed into two components, i. e. waveform an'd rePeti-tive Pulse series. The effects of instability are represented by the levels of magnitude modulation, phase modulation, wave deformation and background noise. Based on the theory of deconvolution, a discussion on Perio dic signature analysis through cePstrum is Presented, which shows that Periodic signatures can be represented by the harmonics in cepstrum which only have relationship with the level of instability. This results can be very helpful for practical applications.


