
Investigation of Superplasticity in Powder White Cast Iron Alloy

  • 摘要: 通过快速结晶法制得了2.875%C+1.3%Cr的白口铸铁粉末。然后用热等静压方法在温度720℃,压力150MPa将粉末压3h得到了高密度的粉末压块。压块经63%的变形后,显微组织由晶粒尺寸为1~3μm的铁素体和直径小于3.5μm的渗碳体颗粒组成。在670~770℃的温度区间和3×10-4~1s-1的应变速率范围,对材料在热等静压后和热等静压+63%的墩粗变形后的超塑性行为进行了研究。研究结果表明:材料在720℃和3×10-3~3×10-2s-1的应变速率下显示出低的流动应力和高的应变速率敏感性(m=0.42)。


    Abstract: White cast iron powder containing 2.875 Pct. C, l.3pct Cr was obtained by rapid solidification technology. The fully densified compact mat erial for testing has been prepared by the warm isostatic pressing (WIP) method at 720℃ for three hours with pressure of 150 MPa. The structure consisting of 1 to 3 μm in size ferrite grains and Cementite part-ides smaller than 3.5 in size was developed after WIP-uPsetting at 63 pct. strain. Superplastic behavior of the materials after WIP and WIP + upsetting were investigated in the temperature range 670-770℃ at strain rates from 3×10-4 to 1 s-1. At low stresses, the superplastic white cast iron exhibited a high strain rate sensitivity exponentm of 0.42 attemperature 720℃ arid ε=3.10-3~3.10-2S-1, it could develop a new proc eessing routes for new industrial applications.


